got inside the city hall at 2:30pm, left at 7:30pm. you wonder why? because the people who handle votes' registrations are stupid imbeciles that have no sense of time, responsibility, and obligation--in short: they SUCK! Yes, I live in the Philippines particularly in Quezon City and this is how they run things there: slow, glacial, and idiotically. They are the epitome of Filipino ugliness personified. I hate them. I hate everything there is to do with the government. And you ask why I still try to register? Because I want to fucking change this freaking country for the best and throw those people who are sucking all the money of hard workers and laborers. They simply must go. If you can't do your work, why did you even get the job? For money? Then your employer must have been stupid to hire you. So all of the people in COMELEC: go screw yourselves! I hate you all for making the Filipino people wait, dismissing the people who should had been registered, for letting snotty rich people slip cash and cut in line, and for letting people who are supposedly scheduled on a later date-come and register now. You are simply stupid, vile, and downright greedy. I trust the Lord shall do what he must to the likes of you.
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