Getting back from work and writing a two page scene from my novel, I come home in the comforts of my room and trusted elite computer and venture on the watery waves of the web and surf its seas. As always, I proceed with looking at my blog and checking the blogs that I follow. Then I come across Ms. Nelson's blog, which frankly I'm too tired to link. If you must read their entries find them at the right side of my tools section.
Now, getting back to my post. I just read at Ms. Nelson's blog of how she stands tall and proud of being an agent and I humbly admire her for that. Thus, reading that entry and all of the other entries I read at her blog, makes me want her as my agent soooooooooo BAD! Really really damn bad. But I step back and reduce my hopes and expectancies of having her. For when I query her, she may possibly turn me down. And not all authors get their most dreamed agent at the first try. Let me tell you why I love her so. It's because she stands as an agent that protects authors which you rarely find in an agent. Most agents these days focus on the career part of their clients, selling more manuscripts, getting more clients, harboring the barrier between aspiring new authors and publishers and the list goes on... Well, one thing is for sure, she's not like that--at least that's what I have concluded so far from her posts. Though at first, I was hesitant with her approach, saying she might not be the right agent for me. But after reading post after post, I realized an agent isn't supposed to just represent what genre you write. An agent is supposed to be your guard, your watcher and your ally in the literary world. I do hope she's the one for me though, realizing all of this. But maybe there is a probable chance that she may not and that's okay with me. But if its at all possible I'd really wish she'd ask for my full and offer representation when I query. That's why I'm holding out so patiently from querying her until I really know that I got a red hot chance of making her say yes to me.
that's all :)
Face-Lift 1496
4 hours ago