okay, for the most part my post maybe a little bit not related to the title. so why is it a title? I don't know. I just like the ring to it cause I was advising my friend on a heartache and I just came up with that.
Moving on...
I hit a car this afternoon. Nothing big, just made a scratch on him and on my car. IT sucks. There was this guy who came out at nowhere and started trafficking for me cause I was in a Uturn slot. Then he was asking for money for helping me. I was like what? Then boom. I forgot to stop. Because another guy was telling me to go and the freaking car just zoomed in my front. Well they were nice. I had to pay them 1k in peso, not in dollars. So I guess everythings fixed, provided I had to give my number and we had to swap car plate numbers and i had to take a photo of the damage. Well, eff that. My dad was like, you got your car hit? Again? Lol. Well thats life. Sorry my Lancer baby. You have to go get a new paint job, again. Crazy.
And you know where I went that afternoon? to the freaking postal office to get a freaking SASE or in this case, IRC, that costs like 115 pesos. In dollars thats about 2.50. That's still way too high for a freaking postage stamp. Then my snail mail for one agent cost around 315~6.50. Now I spent a lot of money this day when i was supposed to be saving. Oh deary my. Now I bought 10 IRC's, prepping my query letters again to travel in USA. OH dear..
Face-Lift 1496
4 hours ago
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